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Quickstart for Arm FVPs

This page guides you through the steps for creating and using an instance with Arm Fixed Virtual Platforms.

Create Your FVP Device Using the Web Interface

To create your device, do the following:

  1. Log in to AVH with your Arm account at If you do not have an Arm account you can register here.

  2. After login you should land on Devices page. There click CREATE DEVICE:

    Start with device creation

  3. Select your project.

    Select project

  4. On the Select Device view, type "fvp" into the search bar then click on your preferred FVP board. In our example we choose Corstone-300fvp.

    Select Corstone-300 FVP


    You can narrow down the list of displayed boards by selecting the category tab on the top-right side between | ALL | ANDROID | FVP | IOT. The FVP models can be found under FVP and ALL tabs.

  5. On the page Configure your device, choose the default firmware and click SELECT. FVP targets are started on a virtual machine with Linux OS that is used as the stock firmware image. Uploading new firmware will overwrite that image and corrupt the simulation.

    Keep default stock firmware

  6. On the Confirm Details screen you can specify the device name and verify your selections. Click CREATE DEVICE.

    Confirmation screen

  7. In Settings navigate to the FVP subsection.

  8. Upload your application binary in axf format for the target FVP. We will use a simple Blinky example from the Corstone-300 CMSIS-Pack.

    You can use this same window to upload a configuration file (config-file) or upload the content used for Virtual Interfaces (v_path). For more information on using these options, see the AVH FVP GitHub page.

    Confirm that the files have been uploaded successfully and click CREATE DEVICE.

    Start with device creation

  9. Wait a few minutes for the virtual device to become ready.

    Creating device

  10. Your FVP device is now ready to go!

Running the example

The application uploaded in the previous step gets executed on the target FVP.

  1. Click Console tab in the device's menu, if it is not open by default. You shall see a serial console output of the FVP.

    FVP Console view

  2. Click System Console tab in device's menu. This gives you access to the host Linux OS where FVP is executed. Log in with the username ubuntu and passkey password. You can execute the FVP from command line, as well as upload new firmware binaries and download log files directly from this environment.

    FVP Console view

Create Your FVP Device Using the API

We offer APIs in several languages. Below is an example of how to create an FVP device using the Python and Javascript APIs.

Python API Example

Here is an example script to create the custom device using our Python API:

import os

from avh_api import ApiClient as AvhApiClient
from avh_api import Configuration as AvhApiConfiguration
from avh_api.api.arm_api import ArmApi as AvhApi

avh_api_token = os.environ['AVH_API_TOKEN']

avh_api_config = AvhApiConfiguration()
avh_api_client = AvhApiClient(avh_api_config)

avh_api = AvhApi(avh_api_client)

avh_api_config.access_token = avh_api.v1_auth_login(
{"api_token": avh_api_token}

default_project_id = avh_api.v1_get_projects()[0]["id"]

print('default_project_id =', default_project_id)

config_file_id = avh_api.v1_create_image(
file=open('path/to/config.txt', 'rb')

print('config_file_id = ', config_file_id)

application_id = avh_api.v1_create_image(
file=open('path/to/binary.elf', 'rb')

print('application_id = ', application_id)

instance_id = avh_api.v1_create_instance({
"name": "Corstone-300 FVP",
"project": default_project_id,
"flavor": 'corstone-300fvp',
"os": '11.16.14',
"osbuild": 'FastModels',
"boot_options": {
"vmfile": [
"id": config_file_id,
"name": "config-file",
"id": application_id,
"name": "application",

print('instance_id = ', instance_id)

JavaScript API Example

Here is an example script to create the custom device using our JavaScript API:

const vmfiles = [
{ name: 'config-file', localFilePath: path.join(__dirname, 'path/to/fvp_config.txt') },
{ name: 'application', localFilePath: path.join(__dirname, 'path/to/binary.axf') },
{ name: 'v_path', localFilePath: path.join(__dirname, 'path/to/') },
{ name: 'data1', localFilePath: path.join(__dirname, 'path/to/data.dat') }

const images = await Promise.all( => {
return project.uploadVmfile(vmfile.localFilePath,

instanceCreateOptions.bootOptions = {
vmfile: images,
fvp: {
cyclelimit: '768000000',
data: [

instance = await project.createInstance(instanceCreateOptions)